Optimize your pregnancy and postpartum journey
Pregnancy Support
Feel good throughout pregnancy by addressing things like…
Pelvic girdle pain
Low back or hip pain
Round ligament pain
Pelvic pressure
Urinary leakage
Hemorrhoids / vulvar varicosities
Birth Prep
Feel prepared for labor and delivery
Learn optimal pushing techniques
Review positions to help progress your labor and ease delivery
Learn strategies to reduce risk of tearing
Feel confident in your early postpartum recovery
Discuss early postpartum healing and activity recommendations
“Erin provided guidance on how to stick to my birth plan with confidence… She encouraged me with a play by play of what to expect if everything went according to plan, which is exactly how it happened! I’m grateful for her pelvic floor therapy expertise and I highly recommend booking for pre and post delivery!”
Postpartum Rehab
Feel confident in recovery by addressing common postpartum symptoms like…
Urinary leakage
Pelvic organ prolapse
Diastasis recti (abdominal separation)
Pain with sex
Perineal or c-section scarring
Clogged milk ducts
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