Find relief from pregnancy aches & pains while preparing for delivery you envision

  • Pelvic girdle pain

  • Low back or hip pain

  • Round ligament pain

  • Pelvic pressure

  • Urinary leakage

  • Constipation

  • Hemorrhoids / vulvar varicosities

Feel good throughout pregnancy by addressing things like…

Pelvic floor therapist assesses a patient's hip

Feel prepared for labor and delivery

  • Learn optimal pushing techniques

  • Review positions to help progress your labor and ease delivery

  • Learn strategies to reduce risk of tearing

  • Feel confident in your early postpartum recovery

  • Discuss early postpartum healing and activity recommendations

Pelvic floor therapist prepares a pregnant woman for labor and delivery at Remedy Pelvic Health

“Erin provided guidance on how to stick to my birth plan with confidence… She encouraged me with a play by play of what to expect if everything went according to plan, which is exactly how it happened! I’m grateful for her pelvic floor therapy expertise and I highly recommend booking for pre and post delivery!”